1:30 PM
A Pilot Survey on Institutional Enablers and Barriers Affecting the Evolving Role of Librarians in African Higher Educational Institutions
Pamela Abbott
(University of Sheffield Information School)
1:50 PM
Open Access, Open Science, Open Data: Who will benefit? A user profile
Margareth Gfrerer
(Education Strategy Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
2:10 PM
Without data, science is merely an opinion: the African Open Science Platform project
Ina Smith
(Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf))
2:30 PM
NRENs, library consortia and government: Nexus for democratic access to scholarship
Alexander Madanha Rusero
(Harare Polytechnic Schoool of Media)
Collence Takaingenhamo Chisita
(Harare Polytechnic School of Library and Information Sciences)
2:50 PM
Research driven Innovation: A collaborative approach for developing countries’ research Uptake
Moses Ismail
Zaituni Kaijage
3:10 PM
Developments in regional SADC Cyberinfrastructure to support Collaboration,Open Data and Open Science
Tshiamo Motshegwa
(University Of Botswana, Computer Science Department)