22–23 Nov 2018
Hotel Verde Zanzibar
Africa/Dar_es_Salaam timezone

Assessing ICT Readiness of Higher Education in Somalia: Challenges and Opportunities

Not scheduled
Hotel Verde Zanzibar

Hotel Verde Zanzibar

Malawi Rd, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Presentation UbuntuNet-Connect


Dr Yunis Ali Ahmed (SIMAD University, Mogadishu, Somalia)Mr Mohamed Mohamud Mohamed (SIMAD University, Mogadishu, Somalia)


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have been transforming the process of teaching and learning and has an imperative role in improving the quality of education, especially, today’s era of digital transformation, requires the use of digital technologies in educational institutions. Progress on the adoption of ICT in the provision of Higher Education has been grown rapidly over the last decade and became one of the key priorities in most developing countries as they invested and still investing a substantial amount in ICT equipment and connectivity to respond the pressure for effectiveness. To tap this opportunity,Somalia higher educations in particularly the private institutions were trying to enlighten the importance of technology utilization in all aspects of higher education services. However, despite the advantages associated with the use of ICT, there are potential opportunities and with significant challenges (e.g. ICT infrastructures, ICT availability, accessibility, security and adequate policy) for implementing the new technologies in Somalia. They have also lacked research on the readiness of using ICT for higher education for private and public institutions, and it is unknown how this ICT preparedness dimensions affecting its usage. Therefore, this paper is an attempt to understand the current state of ICT readiness in Somali Higher Education Institutions. This study aims to present an ICT readiness assessment framework that measures ICT usage readiness within Somali higher educations. The results of this study will inform how various ICT initiatives can be developed to assist the quality improvement of Higher Education in Somalia.

Keywords: ICT, ICT readiness, Learning innovation and Higher Education

Sub-Theme SMART Universities: Concepts, Characteristics and Technologies

Primary authors

Dr Yunis Ali Ahmed (SIMAD University, Mogadishu, Somalia) Mr Mohamed Mohamud Mohamed (SIMAD University, Mogadishu, Somalia) Mr Mohamud M. Alasow (SIMAD University, Mogadishu, Somalia) Mr Ahmed Dahir Siyad (SomaliREN, Mogadishu, Somalia) Mr Abdifatah Farah Ali (SIMAD University, Mogadishu, Somalia)

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