Seminar on Building Successful NRENs in Eastern and Southern Africa

    • Welcome Address from TERNET and COSTECH
      Conveners: Prof. Idris Rai (TERNET), Dr Jim Yonaz (COSTECH)
    • Few words from UbuntuNet Alliance CEO
      Convener: Dr Pascal Hoba (UbuntuNet Alliance)
    • The Making of a Succesful NREN- A Case Study
      Convener: Prof. Meoli Kashorda (KENET)
    • Open address from the Permanent Secretary- Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, Tanzania
      Convener: Prof. Faustin Kamuzora
    • 10:00
      Health Break
    • The Making of a Successful NREN: A Case Study
      Convener: Mr Isaac Kasana (RENU)
    • African RENs - Thinking Business for Sustainability
      Convener: Dr Tusu Tusubira (Knowledge Consulting Ltd)
    • Efficient Management and Leadership for African NRENs
      Convener: Prof. Hellicy Ngambi (University of Zambia)
    • 12:00
      Lunch Break
    • NRENs and their Responsibilities
      Convener: Dr Duncan Martin
    • TERNET: The New Strategy
      Conveners: Dr Amos Nungu (TERNET), Dr Jim Yonaz (COSTECH)
    • NRENs and Telecom Companies Synergies, The Case of TERNET and TTCL
      Convener: Dr Kamgisha Kazaura (TTCL)
    • UbuntuNet Alliance: Securing Affordale ICT Access and Usage for African NRENs
      Convener: Dr Pascal Hoba
    • UbuntuNet Network Overview
      Convener: Mr Joe Kimaili (UbuntuNet Alliance)
    • 15:40
      Health Break
    • UbuntuNet Alliance: Services to NREN Members
      Convener: Mr Tiwonge Banda (UbuntuNet Alliance)
    • Discussions and way forward
    • Closing Remarks from Deputy Permanent Secretary- Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
      Convener: Prof. Simon Msanjila
    • UbuntuNet Alliance Closing Cocktail