31 October 2019 to 1 November 2019
Africa/Blantyre timezone

European Open Science Cloud: perspectives for the UbuntuNet region and beyond

31 Oct 2019, 11:40


Presentation UbuntuNet-Connect 2019


Dr Ognjen Prnjat (GRNET - Greek NREN)


The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is envisioned by the European Commission as an underlying platform which nurtures Open Science and Open Innovation in Europe and beyond. It is seen as an ecosystem of organisations and infrastructures from various countries and communities, supporting the open creation and dissemination of knowledge and scientific data as well as collaboration. It is envisaged to be open to the widest range of providers and research communities in common sharing of infrastructures, services, data and publications. It is building on a number of established initiatives from the fields of Research and Education Networking, Scientific Computing, Research Infrastructures, and Open Science - bringing together initiatives such as GEANT, EGI, EUDAT, PRACE, OpenAIRE and discipline-specific infrastructures ESFRIs amongst others.
NI4OS-Europe project, starting in September 2019 and lasting for 3 years, has a mission to be a core contributor to the EOSC service portfolio, commit to EOSC governance and ensure inclusiveness on the European level. The project is aiming to support the development and inclusion of the national Open Science Cloud initiatives in 15 countries in the overall scheme of EOSC governance; and spread the EOSC and FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable data) in the community and train it. Moreover the project aims to provide technical and policy support in on-boarding of the existing and future Value Added Service Providers into EOSC, including generic services (compute, data storage, data management), thematic (domain-specific) services, repositories and data sets – thus introducing new services that cover the whole spectrum of services related to Open Science, data and publications.
The project has a dedicated task supporting the liaison activities with other world regions including Arab/ENP states (via ASREN – Arab States Research and Educating Network), WACREN and Ubuntunet in Africa, and RedCLARA in Latin America.
The African continent is in a steep development curve regarding Research and Education Networking thanks to the AfricaConnect project series and is in a strong position to start nurturing the EOSC concepts and making sure that the African voice is heard in European and worldwide Open Science landscape. The presentation will outline the basic EOSC principles and give some examples of community engagement, cross-border collaboration, as well as concrete technical solutions in terms of different kinds of EOSC-related Value Added Services pointing to the possible candidates from the UbuntuNet region and beyond.

Primary author

Dr Ognjen Prnjat (GRNET - Greek NREN)


Dr Eleni Toli (ATHENA RC, Greece) Dr Anastas Misev (UKIM - Norther Macedonia) Mr Dusan Vudragovic (Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia) Dr Andreas Athenodorou (Cyprus Institute, Cyprus)

Presentation materials