Training-of-Trainers for Network Engineers

Imperial Golf View Hotel, Entebbe/Uganda

Imperial Golf View Hotel, Entebbe/Uganda

Station Road, Entebbe, Uganda
Joe Kimaili (UbuntuNet Alliance)
UbuntuNet Alliance in collaboration with the Network Startup Resource Centre (NSRC) is pleased to announce the 3rd UbuntuNet Alliance Training of Trainer Workshop that will take place in Entebbe, Uganda between October 30th and November 2nd 2016. This workshop is organized as part of UbuntuNet-Connect2016 preconference events, and is aimed at enhancing member NRENs’ capacity to establish independent training programs. We are therefore writing to invite your NREN to nominate 1 (ONE) participant to this event. Please note that; 1. Nominees should be employees of your NREN or affiliated institution, and MUST be willing to help in your NRENs capacity building program as trainers. 2. The curriculum for this workshop is similar to the one for the two workshops that took place in Kigali and Lusaka in 2013 and 2014 respectively, and therefore personnel that attended these workshops should not be nominated. 3. This is not an entry level networking course. Nominees are expected to possess Advanced data networking skills, Linux/Unix skills, and should be passionate about training others to attain the same skill level. 4. Personnel that have attended AfNOG’s Advanced Routing Techniques (AR–E) track or similar course are encouraged to attend. We have attached a questionnaire that will help us to assess the skill level of nominees. Kindly ask the nominee to fill and mail it back to
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