ELSA: The E-Learning System and Analytics




The health crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges for the entire society, including the educational community, which has had to make adjustments, adapt and undertake, without much space for preparation, a virtualization process to continue with the ongoing activities.

In this webinar participants will have the opportunity to learn about the ELSA platform, an initiative of the National Research and Education Network of Ecuador, CEDIA,  that aims to foster and support the training and knowledge transfer activities of Higher Education and related Institutions. 

About the E-learning Platform System & Analytics - ELSA

Active Learning System

The ELSA platform is an active learning system that CEDIA has developed with the aim of improving the quality, relevance and access of teaching-learning programs in Higher Education Institutions to generate a culture of digital innovation at a national level.

One of its main functions is to diagnose the current needs and requirements of HEIs in relation to the use of active teaching-learning methodologies and the use of ALS (Moodle).

This system meets the following characteristics:

  • Usability. - Ability of the LMS to be understood, learned and used, facilitating bi-directional communication.
  • Evaluation and Academic Integrity. - Creation and management of the online assessment through the automated supervision of exams.
  • Active Learning. - Supports collaboration and interaction between students and their environment, making them the center of the learning process.
  • Face-to-face, hybrid and online learning. - It combines face-to-face and virtual teaching.
  • Monitoring. - Academic performance as a strategy for continuous improvement of the teaching - learning process.
  • Monitoring and Progress. - In the formative process of teaching and learning.

Learn more about the ELSA platform through the following link: https://lms.cedia.edu.ec/.


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