18–20 Nov 2020
Virtual Conference
UTC timezone

Commercial Cloud and other consumable Digital Services

19 Nov 2020, 08:00
Virtual Conference

Virtual Conference


David Heyns (GÉANT)


Research indicates that the global R&E community is already heavily dependent on the consumption of commercial cloud services and other related digital services providing for platform and software solutions in support of teaching, learning and research activities. The NREN is already providing bandwidth in support of this consumption, but what is our role in further supporting our community’s access to commercial IaaS, PaaS and SaaS solutions?

This presentation will explore strategy – and current initiatives focused on these services, particularly in the EMEA region. We will look at the workloads and activities most disrupted by these trends, and opportunities to better support these within the Ubuntunet context. Covid-19 provided a serious disruption to the way people communicate and work. Teaching and learning activities were amongst those most disrupted and schools scrambled to get their classrooms online. Distance learning has been topical for some time but became an imperative during this time. From this point on it will be important to provide for a hybrid platform for teaching. We will review a few related case studies.

On-premise vs community vs commercial cloud – we will discuss the pros and cons regarding both building bespoke local/regional platforms and procuring commercial commodity compute and storage solutions by means of NREN enabled procurement frameworks.

Presentation materials