2–3 Nov 2017
Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
Africa/Addis_Ababa timezone

Developing Effective Public Awareness Communication Strategy to Stimulate the Role of NRENs in Intra- African Collaboration Strategies

3 Nov 2017, 10:00
Hilton Hotel (Addis Ababa | Ethiopia)

Hilton Hotel

Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

Menelik II Ave
Reviewed Presentation Stimulating intra-African collaboration Session 4b - Tracking and Contributing to Intra-African Collaboration in Research and Education


Mr George Kinyera-Apuke (Kyambogo University (Uganda))Prof. Wilson OKAKA (Kyambogo University (Uganda))


We explain developing effective public awareness communication strategy will help to stimulate the role of NRENs s well as the regional RENs to spur the current and projected intra- African collaboration strategies for enhanced research and education outputs. The main objectives are to: review the role or benefits of public awareness communication strategy in promoting intra-regional networking for enhanced research, education, and public outreach services; discuss the social responsibility of the media (press) to crate or raise public awareness of the need to enhance the national and regional integration of research and education networks for improved performance outputs on the African continent. In this review, we examined the roles of national and regional regulators of research and education institutions and networks, NRENs, regional RENs, and institutions themselves in developing collaborative programmes or strategies. More data were sourced from policy documents on the strategies, methods, status, and outputs of collaboration goals. Additional information was obtained from internet searches on the role of governments, status of shared infrastructure services, resource access or use; cost effectiveness, as well as the roles of NRENs; the roles of the regional RENs in stimulating their optimal effectiveness, efficiency, and investment expansion. Key words: Africa, regional RENs, NRENs, collaboration, networking, strategic plan, Uganda

Primary author

Prof. Wilson OKAKA (Kyambogo University (Uganda))


Mr George Kinyera-Apuke (Kyambogo University (Uganda))

Presentation materials