2–3 Nov 2017
Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
Africa/Addis_Ababa timezone

Call for Sponsorship

Enabling Intra-African Collaboration in Research and Education
2nd – 3rd November 2017, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


UbuntuNet-Connect 2017 comes to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!

UbuntuNet-Connect 2017 is the 10th UbuntuNet Alliance annual conference in the UbuntuNet - Connect conference series. It is a high - profile event bringing together 150-200 leading people,  policy makers, infrastructure providers, regulators, network engineers, researchers and academics, not  only from eastern and southern Africa but from the research and education community across Africa and beyond.

It will be preceded by a series of other events including capacity building activities and e-Infrastructure applications workshop. The Conference will be hosted by the Ethiopian Education and Research Network, EthERNet, the NREN of Ethiopia.

Showcase your Products and Services!

UbuntuNet-Connect presents a rare opportunity for companies to meet Africa’s research and education networking community and market their products and services. This is especially important to organisations and companies with a national, regional or global footprint.

The sponsorship will give your company the visibility that it needs and also the satisfaction for shareholders and customers of knowing that you are intrinsically involved in creating a bright tomorrow. Your sponsorship will support among other things: the paper presenters, panels, participation and also capacity building activities for young network engineers and NREN staff.

Sponsorship Levels and what you get for each category

The table below shows the price for each category and the marketing opportunities that go with it. The levels give marketing and brand association before, during and after the conference.



(one Only)









Visibility on name badges




Visibility on event portal

Space for an exhibition stand





Visibility in networking areas



Visibility in Plenary room



Visibility in conference documentation

Free Conference registration

4 people

2 People

1 person


Inclusion of organisation brochure in event pack



Visibility in event marketing communication

Presentation slot

10 mins at the opening ceremony

5 mins at the networking cocktail



Visibility in resulting event reports





The above list is non- exhaustive. We are open to suggestions from sponsors including “in-kind” support.

Previous conferences

Previous UbuntuNet-Connect conferences were held in Lusaka, Kigali, Dar es Salaam, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Kampala, Lilongwe, Lusaka, Maputo and Entebbe. For further details and the Call for Papers for this year, see, https://events.ubuntunet.net/indico/event/10/call-for-abstracts/.

Contact us

To discuss further please contact: info@ubuntunet.net or phone +265 1 754535.