2–3 Nov 2017
Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
Africa/Addis_Ababa timezone

The NEAAR Collaboration: Supporting low-cost PerfSONAR deployments for end-to-end perfomance monitoring

3 Nov 2017, 09:00
Hilton Hotel (Addis Ababa | Ethiopia)

Hilton Hotel

Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

Menelik II Ave
Reviewed Presentation Technical support required for intra-African collaboration Session 4a - Tools and e-Infrastructure required for Intra-African Collaboration


Mr Edward Moynihan (Indiana University)


The Networks for European, American, and African Research (NEAAR) collaboration, led by Indiana University and GEANT in partnership with the UbuntuNet Alliance, WACREN, ASREN, SANReN, and TENET, is building a dynamic platform for connecting researchers in the US with their counterparts in Europe and Africa. By providing bandwidth, targeted education and training, and pro-active end-user engagement, NEAAR, funded by the US National Science Foundation, is significantly improving connectivity for existing science collaborations while also enabling new collaborations to take advantage of the growing global research and education networking infrastructure. Since launching in late 2016, the NEAAR project partners have made significant progress towards achieving the project’s year 1 goals. A 100 GB circuit between New York City and London has been installed, adding 100GB of transatlantic connectivity and increased resiliency to the Advanced North Atlantic (ANA) collaboration. The NEAAR partners have also started working to deploy an Open Exchange Point in West Africa that will enable additional peering and resilience for African RENs. Finally, the NEAAR partners have begun working on a human capacity building program that is supporting regional perfSONAR workshops, one-on-one consultations, and other targeted training opportunities for African NRENs and campus staff. This talk will provide updates on these and other NEAAR year 1 developments, an overview of lessons learned to date, and a brief look into what to expect in year 2.

Primary author

Mr Edward Moynihan (Indiana University)

Presentation materials